a bit of nesting

a short little post of what I have done for Ella’s room to be. I have started on her mobil for above her crib. Eric is going to put a little motor on it so it will spin, so that will be fun. We’ve also made a corner of our room to be part of her room. Eric hung her birds from the ceiling and the Snow White poster (which is actually one that Eric got when he was little). We’ve also hung up all of her little newborn clothes to go in our closet with our clothes, they look oh so cute!

More later!

Ps. sorry the pics aren’t to fantastic they are from my phone 🙂

One Response to “a bit of nesting”

  1. Kristin Dees Says:

    i LOVE it!! It looks so home-y. You guys will look back at her “corner” and laugh about it one day! 🙂

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