Welcome to gravity

October 3, 2010

September 27, 2010… not Ellas birthday… time to hurry up and wait.

September 29, 2010, noon, contractions start. The start of my contractions were not to strong and continued to be weak until 3am.

September 30, 2010 We decided to go up to the hospital at 830am when my contractions got closer together. We got to the hospital and I was still only 2cm, at first we thought that they were going to send us home but then they heard that I was past due. By noon I was at 5cm and having heavier contractions. Sometime between 3 and 4 I finally reached 6cm and was becoming discouraged. At 530 my contractions were extremely intense and I was checked at 6 and was at 9 3/4 cm and ready for delivery… the intensity of the contractions was way worth the quickness of the dilation. I started pushing at 6pm and by 630 I was exhausted,ย I had not received an epidural so from the 30 hrs of contractions, so at my last push my dr. used forceps to pull Ella into the world. He told me afterwards that I was almost there he only used them to help pull out about 2 inches, so that was encouraging that I almost made it on my own.

My water had to be broken earlier in the day and there was meconium in the water so Ella had to be examined by the NICU nurses as soon as she came out. Luckily, everything is done in the room so Eric got to watch over her while I finished with the placenta. Everything was perfect with Ella and I soon got to hold her. She was so alert, looking around at everyone in the room and making funny faces and blowing bubbles. My favorite thing was about an hour later she farted and smiled… definitely our child ๐Ÿ™‚

Grandparents where in the waiting room, so Eric went out to get them and they were overjoyed! We hung out and oohed and awed over Ella, and the Sims came to visit. It was great to see our friends and family after labor. We were moved from our very spacious delivery room to an equally spacious post-delivery room, where we are set up til Saturday when we can be released.

October 1, 2010. It was a long night. Eric got up to change Ella after I feed her, which was great! Around 5am she got the hiccups which were cute at first because she was squeaking but then she started to cry and oh it was just so sad. Later that morning the pediatrician came by and checked her out, she did not like this, but he said that she looks great!

Eric left around 9 to get ready for his interview (a company in Round Rock, TX, well be hearing soon about it) and Memaw (official grandma name for Barbara) came and stayed with me while he was gone and until her other grandparents came. For the rest of the day we just hung out and watched her sleep and smile. Eric had a couple adventures by being peed on and pooped on, that was rather amusing… We had a couple more visitors come by (Amanda, Lex, Cason, Jessica and Great Aunt Karen). Now we are at the end of the day just hanging around and getting to know our sweet girl.

October 2, 2010. We got to come home today but first Ella had to be checked over for discharge by the pediatrician. She ordered a bilirubin for Jaundice because Ella was just a little yellow. While we were waiting for the results of the bilirubin Ella had her first shot for Hep B, she actually handled it pretty well, it was just sad for us to see her so unhappy. The results for the bilirubin were a little high so she has to have phototherapy. Fortunately, this is something that can be done at home and we wouldn’t have to stay at the hospital for more days.

So finally we arrive at home to a cut out stork with a sign of Ella’s name, weight, length and birthday. When we walked in the grandparents had decorated with Happy Birthday banners and balloons along with some flowers that match the color of her room decorations! Such a great way for Ella to come home.

The home care from the hospital came with the phototherapy bed for Ella to sleep in for the next couple days til her bilirubin count is lower. She has to spend 16 out of 24 hours in the bed each day. She will be tested each day so we are hoping tomorrow when they come check her that the count will be higher and she wont have to continue the treatment for 3 days. She has been enjoying the treatment so far, she sleeps really well in it and looks like a little glow worm from the light from the bed.

Well that is all for now hope you enjoy some of the pictures through the experience. Ill be posting more pics as I gather them from grandparents and friends!

a bit of nesting

September 21, 2010

a short little post of what I have done for Ella’s room to be. I have started on her mobil for above her crib. Eric is going to put a little motor on it so it will spin, so that will be fun. We’ve also made a corner of our room to be part of her room. Eric hung her birds from the ceiling and the Snow White poster (which is actually one that Eric got when he was little). We’ve also hung up all of her little newborn clothes to go in our closet with our clothes, they look oh so cute!

More later!

Ps. sorry the pics aren’t to fantastic they are from my phone ๐Ÿ™‚

…and we patiently wait on the Lord

September 20, 2010

Wait. Patience. Just a little longer.

These are words I say to myself I think everyday. As we patiently wait for Ella to come and a job to be provided. Most of you know that Eric had a job interview in Corpus Christi and we found out quickly (which is nice) that he did not get the job. They gave it to someone they had already worked with, although Eric did have more credentials.

Although we are sad for not having the life we thought of if we moved back to CC we know that Gods timing will be perfect for a job. Whether it is another opportunity down in CC or somewhere else. My thoughts on it are that we were praying if we are supposed to be in CC he will get a job there. It could be that God was showing us some way or another that this would have a been a great choice for our new family with all the opportunities given to us, but maybe just maybe He has something planned out that is way better. It is Still hard for me to grasp this but I have faith that as God has always provided for us so graciously that He will do the same with a job for Eric. That Eric will not have to worry about the pay being enough to cover our new family expenses and that I may not have to work right away, that we could actually relax with one another and Ella when he comes home from work at a normal time and not have to leave after dinner and we could have weekends for adventures. Oh how excited I am to see what He is going to do, but I will wait patiently for Him to bring it to us!

Blog to come next… Nesting!

Sweet Baby Girl Update!

July 14, 2010

So its been a long time… life has been a bit crazy. Here is an update on how our sweetheart is doing!

I had my week 29 appointment with my doctor yesterday and her heart beat was at 148. Which is nice and healthy. I haven’t had an ultra sound since we found out who she was (mainly since I’m on sooncare I think (medicare)), plus my doctor said that I’ve been healthy with her so she has no reason to have one. Kind of a bummer because we would like to see her grow, but we are thankful for a healthy baby!

Here is our plan for her room, well what we like and well see what actually gets in there. Oh and some pictures of her!

We don’t have a name yet, a list that we are slowly taking names off, but not a particular one. Eric has been super busy with school and applying for jobs so we figure when we eventually slow down well pick one out. Stay tuned!

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Baby Made Me Eat It

May 3, 2010

Oh my goodness,

It has been so long since I have updated! ย A quick rundown would be that everything is going fantastic so far. Baby is growing great and is on time. School is almost done for eric and I’m half way through.

So long story…

Baby is growing strong as far as we know. At our last check up two weeks ago baby’s heart beat was at 150 and I my tummy is growing good. Eric talks to baby everyday and it makes me smile, usually when he greats my belly first then me ๐Ÿ™‚ I started feeling baby moving around last week which was really exciting, it feels like butterflies. I felt a great big kick the other day and that was fun and surprising. If everything is still going great baby is about 10 inches! I cant believe it, I am so excited!!

A couple weeks ago I went maternity shopping with my mom while she was up here. Oh boy was that a challenge. No one in stillwater has maternity clothes! We asked a lady at JCPenny’s where ladies shop then and they said in catalogues, who does that anymore, I would think she would have at least said online. So I tried on clothes that we a size or two up from what I am to see if those would work, nope. I tried low-rise jeans, try low self esteem jeans. Luckily, Walls (a bargain discount store) got a shipment of Target clothes with some of their maternity stuff! I was so excited especially since it was half off, even better. I

Along the food lines, there really hasnt been anything weird that I have craved. I’ve just been really defensive of my food (mostly fries when we have them). I was craving hot dogs, not just any hot dog, it had to be grilled. Finally got some and it was great, next craving was donuts. Oh boy did I want my donuts, luckily I dialed it down and only have had them on saturdays when we get up on time to get to the shop ๐Ÿ™‚ Right now I’m craving pizza, of course the kind I want is not here in stillwater. In fact one kind is in OKC and the other is in now where in oklahoma! Oi!

For those of you dying to know we find out May 18th what baby will be, and yes we will be finding out! We need to know, all us little planners and sewers ๐Ÿ™‚ Im going to try and blog at least once a week know since baby is growing more and so is my belly. Plus, we’ve got to keep you posted on Eric finding a job. Please be praying that he finds one quickly and without a whole lot of stress. thanks so much!

Aren’t you peachy!

March 23, 2010

First sorry its been awhile we’ve been pretty busy with school and life.

This is the one most of you have been waiting for…. baby’s first pics. We were really excited leaving our visit today we got to see baby move and found out he/she is coming just a little bit earlier. The due date has moved to September 26th, I’m about a week farther along then what we originally thought.

Baby is 7.2 cm long and has a healthy heart beat of 158-160. Baby was bouncing around a lot in its little home, wiggling fingers and toes and stretching out and arching its little back. We were able to to see its spine really well (picture of baby arching back) and its little brain ๐Ÿ™‚ Eric thought that was pretty cool. So here are the pictures and Ill update more on our life later this week. Ciao!

ps. you can click on the pictures to make them bigger ๐Ÿ™‚

Movin up in the fruit chain!

March 5, 2010

Well the baby is the size of a prune this week and I’m busy growin some arms and legs!

The past couple weeks have been filled with excitement as we made our first appointment for next thursday! Eric has a midterm at that time and was able to move it and take it earlier so he can come with me. We are hoping to hear a heartbeat and who knows what else. I have been learning that I need my sleep as this morning i didn’t wake up ’til 1130, uh oh! Well it was also helpful that i had dropped my phone in the toilet the day before and it had to dry in a bag of rice over night and I don’t have another electronic device for an alarm clock. Eric has bible study at 630am on thursdays at church so there was know what I was going to stay awake when he left.

So far with our friends they talk straight to my belly and ask how baby is doing then asking how I am doing. Its pretty funny. Eric has started trying to talk to baby its pretty sweet I love it!

Thats about all we have for now more to come as we start seeing more of our little baby, we are so excited.

“I get free chocolate milk!” ~ new baby momma

February 16, 2010

So Eric and I are supper excited about our little bundle of joy coming our way in October.

This week I have spent time getting me taken care of so I can take care of the baby. I have applied for SoonerCare which will help cover all my doctors visits and I think a little more, I am now apart of the WIC plan which gives me free food of the basics that any new mommy needs and applied for food stamps! We figure we are in a spot to take full advantage of what the state and government can offer since we actually do need the help and they are willing to give. Part of the WIC is dairy, cereal, grains all that jazz, well they also have on the list chocolate milk! Is it sad that I am that excited about free chocolate milk?

As I was in the public health building I saw several girls walk out sad because they found out they were ย pregnant, most of them still in high school range or just fresh into college. The nurses signed me up to take some classes there in the health building so I am hoping some of those girls are in my class… hello new ministry, but how much fun could that be!

February 14, 2010

So we are not completely up and running yet but this is where you can come and check out what strange things i eat or just how eric and i are doing in general! thanks for all the love and support!