Archive for July, 2010

Sweet Baby Girl Update!

July 14, 2010

So its been a long time… life has been a bit crazy. Here is an update on how our sweetheart is doing!

I had my week 29 appointment with my doctor yesterday and her heart beat was at 148. Which is nice and healthy. I haven’t had an ultra sound since we found out who she was (mainly since I’m on sooncare I think (medicare)), plus my doctor said that I’ve been healthy with her so she has no reason to have one. Kind of a bummer because we would like to see her grow, but we are thankful for a healthy baby!

Here is our plan for her room, well what we like and well see what actually gets in there. Oh and some pictures of her!

We don’t have a name yet, a list that we are slowly taking names off, but not a particular one. Eric has been super busy with school and applying for jobs so we figure when we eventually slow down well pick one out. Stay tuned!

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